Awesome Open-Source Bio/Cheminformatics A (growing) list of open-source Bio/Cheminformatics tools that I found useful in my work. If you know other tools in this realm that I should check out, please reach out.
How to set up your own ENS domain name This is a short tutorial on how to set up your own ENS domain name using MetaMask and Google Chrome.
Setting up Virtual Flow on AWS using Parallelcluster and Slurm This is a short tutorial on how to set up AWS Parallelcluster with Slurm to run VirtualFlow. VirtualFlow is a versatile, parallel workflow platform for carrying out virtual screening related tasks on Linux-based computer clusters of any type and size which are managed by a batchsystem (such as SLURM).AWS
The 80/20 Computer Science Degree Nand to Tetris was created by two CS professors, Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken. In a nutshell, you'll build your own computer in a bottom-up fashion all the way up from NAND gates.
Sequential and simultaneous modes of awareness The most interesting part in Ted Chiang's "Story of your life" is the parallel of the causal and teleological explanation with a sequential and simultaneous mode of awareness. Fermat's principle of least time can be interpreted in terms of cause and effect: a difference in the index of refraction caused
The best way to encompass the future is by building a strong set of beliefs. Using claims as a first-class citizen in your thinking helps you move towards strong beliefs. If you don't explicitly state your claims you're never going to move in any direction. Everything will seem kind of relevant and worth pursuing. Writing down claims can help manifest them. It helps to understand
Why we gain compounding benefits from incremental knowledge tools Knowledge and productivity are like compound interest. As knowledge workers, we live on the margins and every seemingly little improvement can add up to that compound in the long run. The more you know, the more you learn; the more you learn, the more you can do; the more you
Embed Twitter Threads in Roam Research Paste a tweet url into Roam. The thread is then copied to your clipboard. Paste it into Roam via CMD+V (Mac) CTRL-V (Windows).
Recommender Systems: The Most Valuable Application of Machine Learning (Part 2) Why Recommender Systems are the most valuable application of Machine Learning and how Machine Learning-driven Recommenders already drive almost every aspect of our lives.
Recommender Systems: The Most Valuable Application of Machine Learning (Part 1) Why Recommender Systems are the most valuable application of Machine Learning and how Machine Learning-driven Recommenders already drive almost every aspect of our lives.
Machine Learning System Design Some great resources on Machine Learning System designs from Facebook, Twitter, Google, Airbnb, Uber, Instagram, Netflix, AWS and Spotify.
The World Doesn't Care - Lessons From Startup Failure The other often overlooked and not-so-glamorous side of the founder’s story.